Wednesday, 18 March 2015


So it's been a few weeks since I've written a post on here. Life has, once again, got the better of me. 

If you didn't know, I am a student mum in the second year of my business degree and March just happens to be filled with deadlines for me to meet (hurrah...) So March has, so far, basically consisted with long jaunts in the library and trips to coffee shops to read. Studying with a baby is much harder than I thought (impossible). 

So other than burying my heads in books, we are looking for somewhere to live. Not only have we outgrown our two bedroom Pontcanna flat, but our landlord is selling, so we need to find somewhere pronto! This is something I'll have to keep you updated with... But I can feel my home haul senses tingling already (okay, I already have a huge box of stuff for the new house we don't have yet.... that's okay... right?). 

Being a Mum doesn't cease to amaze me still. Today, Archer pulled himself to standing for the first time without me noticing. I just turned around and he was stood staring at me, moments like these are the best. He has still never slept through the night and is currently on a 6am wake up routine, which means I'm on a 9pm bedtime routine so that I can cope with this... I like sleep. 

So I'm hoping to get a little bit of blogging done over the next few days, simply to relieve me of the stress of University right now.... but if anyone has any study tips / home hauls etc. I would love to give them a peruse... 

I will be back soon... 


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