Monday, 28 October 2013

A Brief Introduction.

So... After FAR too long wanting to I have finally bit the bullet and decided to set up my own blog. Over the last few years I've been spending way too much time browsing bloglovin' and religiously following various beauty bloggers and I thought it was about time I begin my own little blogging network. I'm not expecting huge things, I just want to share my interest in all things beauty! 

I feel like a quick 'About Me' will be the best way to kick things off....

So, I'm a 20 year old English girl living it up in the Welsh Capital! I've lived in the city for over 2 years now and have managed to touch bases in a lot of areas but have now settled down in Pontcanna with my other half. I originally came to the city for Uni when I was 18.. I hated the University (but that's another story...) but fell in LOVE with the city. A lot has happened since then (I'm actually now studying again... what about that?!) but I've finally reached a point where I have the time and motivation to do this.

I hope to get posting at least weekly (work dependent) and look forward to meeting some more of you lot! 

I'll be back soon! 

Lyd xxx

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