Wednesday, 17 December 2014

The Winter Tag!

So I was tagged my the lovely Levi at Levi Jade to do the Winter tag! Check her post out here and go give her a follow because she has a lovely blog! 

1) What's your favourite seasonal drink from either Starbucks/Costa or your cafe of choice? 
I don't drink coffee anymore.... but there is one exception... The Starbucks Toffee Nut Latte is just TOO GOOD to deprive myself from! 

2) What accessories do you opt for? Scarf/boots/gloves?

Massive scarf which doubles up as handy blanket is usually good for me! 

3) What's your favourite tunes for this time of year?

I love Josh Groban's album Noel... he is just dreamy. 

4) What scent or perfume do you find yourself favouring this time of year?

Wearing my Next 'Eau Nude' scent loads recently - read my blog post about it here

5) What candle's will you be burning this season?

I hate Christmas spice smells.... mainly because I hate cinnamon! So will be avoiding any overly Christmassy scents - but I do love a Christmas tree scent. Also pretty obsessed with tealights and the Body Shop Glazed Apple scent at the moment! 

6) What is it you love most about winter?

I love it when places are made up to look all festive. Cardiff castle is beautiful all wrapped up in lights and stars right now! 

7) Your favourite makeup look for Winter?

Basically the same as the rest of the year, I definitely do not suit the cranberry colours on the eyes! Have been wearing a fuller coverage base recently though with a warm darker lip.
8) What are you most looking forward to this winter?

My little Archer's first Christmas! He is getting pretty spoiled this year while he doesn't know any better - not that he'll understand what's going on! 

I tag Ashleigh from, Taylor from and anyone else who wants to do it!



  1. Thank you for tagging me! I can't wait to do this, I LOVE CHRISTMAS! Aww, I'm sure Archer will still love Christmas, I can't wait for my little mans first Christmas next year, he will be 9 months.

    Lovely post :) xx

  2. Aw lovely post, makes me so excited for Christmas!

  3. Our answers are so similar just like you said haha creepy! Not many people agree with me about the cinnamon dislike haha nice to see I'm not alone! and heaven=toffee nut latte!! Loved reading your answers! and thanks for your nice comment about my blog :)
    LeviJade xx

  4. Absolutely LOVE this post. 1 - your baby is so ridiculously cute and 2 - my answers would pretty much be everything you said. How lovely is The Body Shop glazed apple scent? So glad I discovered your blog :)


    1. Thanks lovely! Glad to hear someone else is on the same page as me as well! Glazed apple is definitely a must have :) x
